
Two kids, two lifetimes, a world apart

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Mother My Boring Self

Something happens to women once they have a baby. We seem to become boring, self-centered, and neurotic.

I tried to guard against this in myself but (without a full-time paid staff to relieve some of the mommy pressures) resistance was futile. After giving birth I ceased being very good company to anyone other than my adorable baby (whom everyone must admire). I've also noticed that friends who've had kids have ceased being very good company to me.

Having kids is hard on friendships. First, there's the time factor -- you just don't have as much time to hangout with friends when you have a needy baby around. But even worse is the brain factor. Mommy brain just ain't that interesting. Rather than discussing literature and culture and politics, you focus on poop and sleep patterns. It's boring. We're boring.

New mommies also tend to be a tad self-absorbed. I have a mommy blog. 'Nuf said. Friends with babies also display a tone deaf need to talk and talk and talk about the banal intricacies of their mothering life.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. I understand why it happens. It's just boring.

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