
Two kids, two lifetimes, a world apart

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hello, Darkness, My Old Enemy

Well, it's 3:00 am again and here I am, awake. It happens most nights these days. I've always been a bit of an insomniac. Things I've done or haven't done come crashing down from above to wake me in the wee hours. 

But these days it's different. For the second time in two years, I'm suffering from a frozen shoulder. At least I think that's what I'm suffering from. When Jericho was small, my left shoulder began seizing up. It affected my whole arm, my back, my chest. I couldn't lift my arm very high. I could barely wash or comb my hair. I did physical therapy, saw a orthopedist, got acupuncture ... nothing worked. I would wake up every night at 3:00 am to massage my back on the floor with a tennis ball. That tennis ball and I became very close.

Finally, I found a wonderful massage therapist, Judith. She helped take away the pain. But my shoulder still didn't move right. I couldn't do yoga, which really sucked. Finally, I got sick of dealing with my stupid fucking shoulder and I just began ignoring it. It got better on its own.

Last spring I went back to yoga and things began looking up for me physically. I started to get my body back. It felt very good. I had a brief reprieve at work where I could slip out some days between 12-1:30 pm to sweat and stretch in the glorious Bikram heat. I could almost lift my arms up to touch the sky. 

But then my right arm started acting funny. It threatened to freeze in painful imitation of its left sister. Fuck you, shoulder, I said. I kept doing Bikram to stave off the freezing. Locust pose was particularly helpful. Unfortunately, my cushy gig at work ended and I had to be in court every day. Without that regular dose of yoga, my right shoulder has slowly and steadily followed the icy path of its sister. 

Now the motherfucker wakes me up every fucking night. If I sound testy, it's because I am. I'm tired and in pain. 

But at least it gives me time to blog.


  1. Oh no! I just made you another appointment with Judith. I'm sorry Mom!

  2. Sending healing vibes your way, Cheri.
    So annoying when our bodies rebel....

  3. Here's to speedy reduction in pain and more posts! Welcome back Quarter-Century Mama!

  4. Thanks to all of you for the good vibes, emotional support, and yes, it's time to go back to Judith.

  5. :( sorry! I hope Judith can take away the pain. Make appointment asap!


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